I found this web site that was pretty helpful in starting my blog. I started out a little confused about how to create/edit the elements I wanted in my blog. This site is an easy to follow step-by-step on the creation/desing when creating your blog. Not very useful if you are in the intermediate stages of creating the bolg in blogger.
Welcome! This blog explores the uses of technology based projects in the classroom. Do you have a creative lesson plan that you've used successfully or heard about a technology based project that you think would work well with your students? If not, I have posted some expamles you might want to try. Some of the projects on this site are for early childhood educators but they're are plenty of options for higher level educators too. Take a look!
Good link! I also like the google docs video. I love that these "In Plain English" videos exist. They are great when I need to learn something, and I know they'll be very helpful to show to staff when introducing various new technologies.